I learned a lot of useful things in Louisiana (pronounced Loo-see-ana), such as how to pull potatoes, can corn, shell peas (which I did for 8hrs one day!), and how to scale & fry fish. I also learned some useful words:
- Fussin' - to complain (ex. "Jed, quit fussin' about havin' to work on that barn today.")
- Reckon - "do you think" (ex. "Where's Bekah, reckon?")
- Jawing - talking (ex. "We had a great time at the party swimmin', eatin' and jawin'.")
- Sir and Ma'am - term of respect I previously only ever used when in trouble and my mom called me by my full name (ex. "Katherine Anne Ryan, you come here right now!" --"Yes ma'am!") *However, after 3 mos in West Monroe, this is now an automatic response whenever anyone calls my name (ex. "Hey Katie?" --"Ma'am?")
and useful phrases:
- Little Michael, go give Miss Tonya sugars before you leave. - i.e. Go give Miss Tonya a hug & kiss before you leave.
- Those two favor - i.e. Those two look alike.
- I come by it honest. (ex. Bekah: "Katie, don't ask me - I'm terrible with directions." Katie: "Whatever. Tonya, do you know how to get there?" Tonya: "Oh, don't ask me. I'm worse than she is!" Bekah: "See Katie! I come by it honest.")
Texans, folks from Louisiana may have an affinity for cammo, huntin' and deer meat that we don't quite understand, but I absolutely loved my time in Louisiana and I miss the amazing people I met there!