Now that we're about 2 wks into 2011... Happy New Year!
"What are my New Year's resolutions?" you ask? Well, this year I just have one: BE LAZY.
I have decided that I invest
waaaay too much energy and effort in things - with little marginal results. It comes with the territory of being a partial perfectionist. Last semester I stressed out about school and then found out that I got all A's and aced my Finance mid-term (which I thought I had failed).
Haha, we'll see how long this lasts before I start color coding my closet again (I wish I were kidding).
I'm also turning over a new leaf this year - Country Music. I used to make fun of the "hicks" who listened to country music. But I now have 2 country radio stations programmed in my car and find myself singing the Zac Brown Band, Tim McGraw & Rascal Flatts. And I must say, I like the song "Good Directions and Turnip Greens" ; )
Anyway, here are some pictures from the past few weeks that make me happy!

Our pretty tree - complete with the 1980's,
wooden Mississippi state Christmas ornament : )

Me & my awesome (and highly energetic) 2nd cousins.
Don't know if you can tell, but Ethan had chocolate ALL over himself.

bahaha - Nancy w/Angel Tree gifts

My Cohort went ice skating after finals and we were
transfixed by the Zamboni...

...and I love that someone took not 1, but 2 pictures of us.

So, funny story - This pic is of the American Airlines Center before
the Trans Siberian Orchestra show. I walked in and started to
legitimately freak out. I normally do fine with heights,
and it doesn't look like it from the pic, but these seats were
high up there. Nancy tried to distract me with funny stories from
work while I tried to look at my shoes and not get dizzy.
I was glad when the show started.