Sunday, October 10, 2010

I need calories.

I had a freak-out moment earlier this week. I looked at the calendar on Monday and realized I only had 6 weeks till the Rockledge Rumble. Only 6 weeks till I'm supposed to run 30K (about 19mi) and I'm not trained for it!

So I was motivated to run this week and maybe increased my mileage too much. I did three 4-mile runs, which is respectable. Then yesterday I ran @ GV Lake from MADD to Fargate - roughly 8.5mi. Apparently I didn't fuel enough. I did fine on the run - no problems; I even ran & chatted with fellow NTTR member Fred Thompson for a while. But by the time I got home and showered, I could not stop shaking. I ate really well the rest of the day - high protein, good fats, some carbs - but was still shaky by the time I went to sleep. I was also an emotional wreck. Not good.

Moral of the story - I need calories. Specifically, I need calories at the right time. That is, I need to eat before the run, periodically during the run (i.e. more GUs and Perpetuem), and for recovery after the run.

Oh well, next time...


  1. Hi,

    I was looking through your blog, and it looks good, and it also inspires me. I sometimes reach out to bloggers and invite them to become my blog friends. So I send out comments to blogs which appeal to my blog senses per se...LOL

    I hope you will visit, and if you follow me, I will follow you... :)

    Hope to hear from you soon....

  2. Wow, that can be scary! I remember when I wasn't hydrated properly the first time I hit my 13 m distance... on top of not being hydrated, the last 3 miles I ended up running out of water:P Good luck with your run and keep us posted!
